5 Things About Porto, Portugal

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Sepertinya tidak berlebihan jika @jalan2liburan memasukkan kota Porto yang adalah kota terbesar no 2 di negara Portugal sebagai salah satu kota favorit di benua Eropa. 

Namanya memang kalah pamor dengan si ibukota, Lisbon namun justru karena kurang pamornya inilah Porto terlihat menyenangkan, saya pun bebas menikmati kecantikkan kota ini tanpa berdesak-desakkan dengan turis lain.

Berikut 5 hal yang berkaitan dengan kota Porto:

1. Keramahan Orang Lokal

Keramahan orang Porto benar-benar bukan isapan jempol, jangan kaget jika mereka akan memulai percakapan dengan Anda sekedar menanyakan darimana Anda berasal, atau bahkan pada saat terlihat kebingungan karena nyasar di jalan ataupun tidak tahu menggunakan mesin pembeli tiket metro, tanpa diminta mereka pun sigap untuk menolong. 

2. Budaya Ngopi-Ngopi

Latar belakang sejarah Portugal dengan Brazil yang adalah negara salah satu penghasil kopi terbaik di dunia, membuat budaya kopi di negara ini sangat kental. 
Kedai kopi terlihat dimana-mana, tentu dengan sajian kopi terbaik. Selama di Porto, kamu bisa lupakan kopi merek terkenal asal Amerika itu. 

Kedai kopi sederhana pun terlihat selalu ramai setiap pagi nya, ketika orang-orang sibuk memesan secangkir kopi favorit mereka sebelum melanjutkan berangkat ke kantor. 

3. Francesinha

Bukan, Francesinha bukan nama tanaman apalagi nama orang. Francesinha adalah makanan asli khas Porto semacam Croque Monsieur ala Prancis yaitu roti sandwich yang diisi dengan potongan daging ham, sosis, ataupun daging bakar yang ditutup dengan lembaran keju yang dibiarkan meleleh. 
Yang membuat Francesinha berbeda dengan Croque Monsieur adalah pada Francesinha tangkupan roti berisi daging tersebut disajikan bersamaan dengan saus yang adalah saus tomat dan beer. 
Francesinha wajib dimakan dengan kentang goreng.

4. Harry Potter

Harry Potter di Porto? Yup! 
Banyak spot di Porto yang mendasari lahirnya buku-buku Harry Potter tersebut, semata karena sang penulis JK Rowling yang kebetulan adalah salah satu penulis favorit saya, pernah tinggal dan menikah dengan salah satu pria asal Porto. 
JK Rowling menghabiskan banyak waktu menulis naskah buku Harry Potter di salah satu cafe langganannya di Porto, cafe tersebut bernama Cafe Majesty.
Lalu ada juga toko buku indah yang ada di kota Porto yang mengilhami JK Rowling untuk mendeskripsikan sebentuk tangga, dimana tangga asli tersebut berada di toko buku Livlaria Lello.

5. Nights always young in Porto  

Kehidupan malam muda mudi di Porto emang gila, jangankan akhir pekan, hari Senin pun club2 dan bar ramai dikunjungi, seakan tidak ada hari esok mereka berpesta. Mungkin mereka menganut prinsip, kenapa harus menunggu hari esok, kalau bisa berpesta malam ini :-)

I dont mean to exaggerate if i put Porto as one of our favorite city in the continent of Europe. Its name was overshadowed by the capital -Lisbon- but because of this lack of prestige, I was free to enjoy the beauty of this city without overcrowded with other tourists.

 Here are 5 things related to the city of Porto:

1. Friendliness of the Local People
The friendliness of Porto's really not a figment, dont be surprise if they would start a conversation with you with a question 'from where you came from', or even at the time when you were standing on the street and confused, or do not know how to use the metro ticket machine, without any hesitate they would asked to help you.  

2. The Culture of A Cup of Coffee
The background of history between Portugal and Brazil which is one of the best coffee producer in the world, is very thick. Coffee shops are everywhere, certainly with the best coffee. While in Porto, you may forget the famous coffee brand from America.
Simple coffee shop is always crowded, especially in the morning when people are busy ordering their favorite cup of coffee before going off to the office. 

3. Francesinha
Francesinha is typical native food of Porto, same kind as Croque Monsieur from French. which is  a sandwich filled with chunks of ham, sausage or grilled meat covered with a sheet of melted cheese.
What makes Francesinha different from Croque Monsieur is in Francensinha the sandwich is served along with tomato sauce and beer.
Francesinha shall be eaten with french fries and drink it with a glass of beer or soda.  

4.Harry Potter
Harry Potter in Porto? Yup!!
Many spots in Porto underlying the birth of harry potter books, simply because the author JK Rowling had lived and married with the local man from Porto. Jk Rowling spent a lot of time writing the scripts of harry potter in one of her regular cafe in Porto, the cafe named Cafe Majesty.

Then there s also a beautiful bookstore in the city of Porto which inspired JK Rowling to describe a form of stairs, where the original one were located in Livlaria Lello Bookstore. 

5. Nights always young in Porto
Even on monday, the clubs and bars were crowded, as if there were no tomorrow. Maybe they have a principle, why should you wait for tomorrow, if you can party tonite :-) 


  1. "Night always young in Porto" ---> definitely agree!

  2. The docks bу the Dom Luis Bridgе аrе lively during thе dау but offer a trulу once-in-a-lifetime experience when visited аt night, as the tор оf the bridge оffеrѕ аn unbelievable viеw оf the rоlling city аnd rivеr illuminated by the lightѕ оf many small stone hоmеѕ. City of Porto


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